01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.



Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.



Our music curriculum is designed to give our pupils music making opportunities, including singing, instrument-playing, performing, and composing and to introduce them to the incredible wealth of music both from around the world and throughout history. 



In our catchment, there is a low uptake of private music tuition and extra-curricular music and performance opportunities, so one of our main aims is to provide every pupil with sustained and high-quality singing and instrumental teaching (two of our purple threads), so that they can reach a high enough standard to enjoy the experience and gain confidence to perform to an audience, (another of our purple threads).   


Our curriculum is organised so that all pupils have a timetabled music session on a weekly basis.  The older year groups are mostly taught by a specialist music teacher, and all other year groups are supported by this teacher in planning and developing resources.  We have a purpose-built music studio and high quality instruments and resources, which allow for whole class instrumental teaching.  Each year group learns a particular instrument(s) for the whole academic year. 


Many of our pupils lack confidence when faced with unfamiliar situations and find performing in public daunting.  With this in mind, we have a planned schedule of performance opportunities for all year groups, throughout the year, with a particular focus on Christmas and Summer term performances.  Our curriculum is designed to explicitly teach performance skills and prepare the children for these performances so that they are set up to succeed.


The other purple threads (listening & appraising, and composing & improvising) are taught throughout the year alongside the singing, instrumental work and performing, following the year-group criteria set out in the King's Hedges Education (KHEd.).  Our curriculum is detailed and challenging in these areas, and builds on prior learning each year.  We have selected the most important musical vocabulary which is used first in Reception and added to and built upon throughout the rest of the school.  This vocabulary is clearly displayed in the Music Studio and referred to throughout the curriculum.



Assessment for learning is embedded in each unit of work and the purple threads are picked up at different points throughout the year and then continued and extended with each subsequent school year, helping pupils to develop their musical skills and build their confidence.  At the end of each term, pupils’ progress is assessed against the KPIs.  Our hope is that pupils will enjoy the music they have experienced, feel confident in their musical ability and develop a life-long engagement with music, in whatever form they choose.



Each week, the music teacher leads a whole school singing assembly, teaching the importance of warming up the voice, and supplementing the teaching of singing in class time.  The school offers extra-curricular musical activities such as singing and instrumental clubs, which are non-selective and pupils from these clubs are also given opportunities to perform, such as in whole school assembly and to friends and family.  In addition to this, we endeavour to take the choir to external events each year, to give them a chance to perform in new settings and at a high standard. Live performances by musicians are booked whenever possible.

Music Progression

Knowledge organisers are available here: www.kingshedgesprimary.org.uk/learning/knowledge-organisers