01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.


As a school, we would like all our pupils to enjoy their learning, manage their daily lives and cope well in whatever situation they find themselves in. We want them to have good mental health alongside their physical health.

To help understand more about mental health we have included some useful information here from the charity ‘Mind’.


Your mental wellbeing is about how you're feeling right now, and how well you can cope with daily life. Our wellbeing can change from moment to moment, day to day, or month to month.

Sometimes it changes because of things that happen to us and sometimes it changes for no reason at all. It can affect the way we feel about ourselves and others, and about the things we face in our lives.

"In our hectic lives, we sometimes forget to check in with ourselves. Therefore, we sometimes don't realise our wellbeing is suffering until we are struggling because of it."

How can I look after my wellbeing?

However your wellbeing is at the moment, there are things you can do to look after and improve it.

What helps you now may not be the same as what helps you in the future. Try what you feel is comfortable and right for you, at this moment.

Mind’s top tips to look after your mental wellbeing include:

· Get creative

· Learn something new

· Get active

· Eat healthily

· Get enough sleep

· Help others

· Do things you enjoy

· Connect with others

· Do thinks to help you relax

· Ask for help if you need it

.*We do our best to check links on our website and shared on Seesaw. However, we still strongly advise that pupils are supervised when accessing these links on the internet and ask that no material we share on Seesaw or our website is copied and/or distributed to those outside of school.

For parents and carers

There are many good websites and centres for information available.


Connect with others

Talking and feeling that you can talk to someone else if very important. At KHEF, pupils are encouraged to talk to any member of staff if they feel they need to. In addition, they can make an appointment for some ‘talk time’ with Ms Gallagher or Mrs Blackley.


We have regular PSHE lessons, (personal, social and health education) which help equip children to recognise their feelings, learn to express themselves and know where to seek help if they need it.


Our School Council now has its own email address which pupils or classes can use to contact the representatives to raise issues or ask questions: SCouncil@kingshedges.cambs.sch.uk

Resilience Work

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Give to others

As well as  being kind to yourself, it can feel good to be kind to others.

Pay attention to now: Mindfulness


Pattern making is very calming and can help you relax, be creative and achieve something beautiful with ease