Welcome to Nursery!
This week in nursery, we have welcomed lots of new friends and enjoyed helping them to settle in to our school. We have learnt lots of new names, discussed the different areas of the classroom and how we can play in them and had fun decorating our names
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Marvellous Me!
This week we have been learning about ‘Marvellous me’, we have been very busy with lots of different activities. We have been looking in mirrors, looking at all about me booklets, learning the vocabulary for parts of the body and what they are used for example: ears - listen, eyes- see, elbow - to bend, making helping hands and reading our theme book ‘Incredible you’.
My Super Body!
This week we have been learning about ‘My Super Body’ We have been looking at how are bodies move and if we were a Super Hero which one would we be, we have made Super Hero masks using different media. Our theme book we have been reading is Supertato which the children really enjoyed we even had a Super Hero Headquarters in our Role play area where we could answer emergency calls and put on our capes to save the day!
How do you feel?
This week we have been learning about ‘My Super Body’ We have been looking at how are bodies move and if we were a Super Hero which one would we be, we have made Super Hero masks using different media. Our theme book we have been reading is Supertato which the children really enjoyed we even had a Super Hero Headquarters in our Role play area where we could answer emergency calls and put on our capes to save the day!
Fun With Families!
This week we have been learning about ‘fun with families’ we have looked at our own families and who lives with us and the fun things we like to do with our families. We have shared family booklets and photographs and read our theme book ‘A quiet night in’ along with singing a lovely song about families. The children have also enjoyed playing in the role play area with their friends and bathing and washing the dolls in the water lab.
Fun With Friends!
This week we have been learning about ‘Fun with Friends’ we have had a fun packed week from making friendship bracelets to partying with friends in our role play area. We have read the book ‘Lost and Found’ and made our own Penguins out of card and cotton wool. We have also learned how to be a good friend and what makes a good friend we have sang songs about friends and shown kindness to one another.
Apples and Pumpkins!
This week we have been learning about ‘Apples and Pumpkins’ we have been scooping the flesh and seeds out of the pumpkins, rolling apples down ramps and estimating how far they would travel, weighing apples and pumpkins. We also made yummy chocolate apples with sprinkles. Our theme book this week was ‘Pumpkin Soup’. Children enjoyed painting pumpkins a variety of colours and in the writing lab created their own scary faces onto pumpkin templates.
Autumn Antics!
We have had a very exciting week learning about Autumn, we have collected different coloured leaves with our friends and we have learnt a lot about why the leaves change colour, we have sung Autumn songs and made Gruffalo masks along with reading the Gruffalo story. We also built caves for the Gruffalo using blocks. We have also been doing leaf printing using leaves, paper and wax crayons which the children really enjoyed., along with pretending to male some Autumn soup out of lentils and conkers for our friends.
Sensational Senses!
This week we have been learning all about Sensational Senses. We have learnt that we have 5 senses and what each sense does. We have been food tasting bitter, sour, salty, savoury and sweet - the sour lemon was not a popular taste! We have made marks in shaving foam, explored the slimy texture of gloop, walked along a sensory trail, enjoyed the Calming Corner and investigated the dark den with torches and sensory blocks.
Pants Safety!
This week we have been learning that PANTS are private and how to keep safe. The children have enjoyed designing their own pants by using different media such as dobbers and stickers. We have been reading the ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ book. In the Role play area we had a Space station where the children had to find the wanted Aliens around the classroom. We have also made aliens with the playdough, pipe cleaners and googly eyes. The children have also been learning the Pantasouras song and we are hoping they have sang this song to you at home!
Being Healthy!
This week we have been learning about "Being healthy" we have enjoyed using the gym in the classroom as well as learning all about healthy foods. We have cut out pictures of food to make a healthy meal and made a pizza with our own choice of healthy toppings. We read two books this week; ‘Oliver's vegetables’ and ‘Oliver's fruit salad’ which the children enjoyed very much.
This week we have been learning about Transport. We have had so much fun looking at all the different types of transport and if they travel on land, sea or air. We have made our own hot air balloons with a photo of the children inside which they thoroughly enjoyed doing. We also went outside of the school gate to do a traffic survey where we saw cars, bikes, vans, bicycles and a bus! We used a tally chart to record what we had seen. In the Art lab we made tyre tacks with cars in paint and rolled them onto paper. In the Role play area children pretended to work in a bicycle repair shop and used the tools to fix the bikes and scooters. We looked at how wheels work on toy cars and pushed them to see how far they travelled. We also sang transport songs and read the book ‘What friends do best’.
We have had a busy week learning about Winter. The children really enjoyed our theme book ‘Stick Man’ and were able to re tell the story by making their own Stick Man and saying the repeated refrains such as "I’m Stick man, I’m Stick man, I'm Stick man that’s me!” In our role play area we had a Winter Wonderland where the children had fun using the pretend snowballs and dressing up in warm clothes. We explored the cold ice in the science lab and painted ‘melting snowmen’ with shaving foam and pva glue.
Boxes and Balls!
This week we have been learning about ‘Boxes and balls (Christmas)’ we have been decorating our classroom Christmas tree in the role play lab and seeing how many baubles we can fit into different size boxes and stockings in the maths lab. We read the story book ‘My cat likes to hide in boxes’ In the art lab we printed with Christmas themed cookie cutters and wrote Christmas cards in the writing lab. The whole school took part in decorating their classroom doors for Christmas – we took a tour around school to look at the doors and found some favourites! Nursery children performed in front of parents this week, singing Christmas songs that we have been learning and it was AMAZING!! Parents then joined Nursery staff and children afterwards for mince pies and hot chocolate, it was so lovely to see so many parents attend.
Welcome to Nursery!
This week in nursery we have welcomed lots of new friends and enjoyed helping them to settle in to our school. We have learnt lots of new names, discussed the different areas of the classroom and how we can play in them and had fun decorating our names!
Where we live!
For this theme we learnt about our local area and the homes that we live in. We read the story of the Three Little Pigs and discussed the best materials to make houses from. For our adult-led activities we went on a local walk and discussed the homes we could see - we tried to huff and puff and blow the houses down, but we didn’t quite manage it! We also designed our own front doors and practiced writing our house numbers on them.
Arts and Artists!
This week we have been exploring the theme ‘Art and Artists’. We have been looking at how we can use colour to create art and how colours can be mixed to create new ones. We walked around the school in small groups and found lots of artwork on the walls and in display cabinets. The children have enjoyed being creative and making their own art such as painting on the easels and using chalk outside to create colourful rainbows. We are looking forward to continuing this theme next week, where we will be using our ‘maths eyes’ to explore art and artists.
Art & Artists 2 (Maths eyes)!
We carried on with our Art and artists theme this week with more of a maths focus for our learning. For one of our adult-led activities we made our own artwork inspired by Kandinsky. We identified the different, colourful circles used in Kandinsky's work and tried to recreate this using colourful squares and circle paper shapes. We explored colour mixing with filter paper, felt tip pens and water as well as colour mixing primary colour paints to create secondary colours. In our role-play art gallery we looked at Mondrian and his famous artwork consisting of lots of rectangles and squares using the primary colours.
Making Music!
This week children have enjoyed exploring a variety of musical instruments. We made our own shakers in the science lab by filling containers with dried lentils, pasta and seeds. We also enjoyed making sounds to represent the animals in our theme book ‘Walking through the jungle’ such as loud stomps like an elephant and quiet hissing like a snake etc. We also made jungle animal masks and sang lots of familiar and new songs whilst clapping to the beat.
Ways to say I love you!
This week we have been exploring our emotions. We have learnt about the different feelings and emotions that we have and how we can recognise them. We learnt what it is to be kind and how we can do this in Nursery with our peers. We discussed the people that we love and how we can show that we love them. Children made a Valentines themed biscuit as one of our adult-led activities and thought about who they might share their biscuit with at home. Children also created hearts by painting one side of the heart and folding it in half to see the symmetrical pattern emerge.
Pants Safety!
‘Pants Safety’ is a theme that we revisit several times throughout the year where we learn that PANTS are private and how to keep safe. To help us explore the importance of pants safety we used the story 'Aliens Love Underpants' as well as the ‘Pantosaurus’ song! During this theme we designed underwear using dobbers and collage materials, practised doing up poppers, buckles, clips and zips to help us learn to independently dress and spoke about trusted people that we can talk to both at nursery and at home.
We love books!
Throughout this theme we read and talked about lots of different books by the author Julia Donaldson. We enjoyed some of her stories such as 'The Gruffalo', 'Room on the Broom', ‘Superworm’, ‘Tiddler’ and 'Stick Man'. We made our own book covers using Julia Donaldson books as inspiration, we discussed what their stories might be about and what we might want to include on our book covers. We also created fish handprint pictures based on the main character from the book 'Tiddler’ which is a favourite in Nursery! Parents also came in and shared a book with their child for part of our world book day celebrations.
Roots and Shoots!
This week’s learning was all about how plants grow. We explored the different parts of plants and flowers such as stem, leaf, petal and roots. We sowed cress seeds as a class and took interest each day waiting for them to grow. We learnt that plants need water and sun to help them grow and made our own sunflower collage. Children also planted their own bean and took it home to care for.