01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Welcome to King's Hedges Educational Federation

'Pupils value being part of this school community. They know that learning is important and are keen to succeed in their education. They have high aspirations for themselves and their peers. Overall, pupils achieve the curriculum goals. They are well prepared for secondary school.'



So much happens on a daily basis in any primary school and King’s Hedges is no different! The areas to the in the 'Parents' section above will guide you, as parents, to the important daily goings on such as clubs, Home Learning and school policies. Please make sure you also visit the Learning section to find out more about the curriculum we offer and how it is taught, as well as some wonderful examples of each year’s work in the classroom. 


Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge. 

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

Click on Report Harmful Content button above to be taken to the SWGfL service that offers a free service to report content that you think is harmful. This can be on an online app, gaming platform, streaming device or social networking site. Before you submit a report to it is essential that you have reported the material to the social media service directly using their online tools (at least 48 hours ago).


The Report Harmful Content button is an asset of SWGfL, a charity working internationally to ensure all benefit from technology, free from harm.

The button has been developed to offer anyone living in the UK a simple and convenient mechanism for gaining access to reporting routes for commonly used social networking sites, gaming platforms, apps and streaming services alongside trusted online safety advice, help and support. It also provides access to an online mechanism for reporting online harm to the RHC service for those over the age of 13 where an initial report has been made to industry but no action has been taken. RHC will review content in line with a sites' community standards and act in a mediatory capacity where content goes against these.

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