SMSC For School
Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.
Pupils show an appreciation for diverse communities and cultures, with a strong sense of self, belonging and the importance of teamwork. They understand moral teaching and are keen to explore moral conundrums. Pupils show awe, wonder, and a curiosity of the world around them.
Four strands make up SMSC: Social-learning about how to interact with others, show respect, make a positive contribution to groups and communicate effectively. Moral-knowing the difference between right and wrong, respecting the rule of law, understanding the consequences of behaviour, the dilemmas of moral conflict and having a concern for the rights of others. Spiritual-not to be mistaken for religious understanding, is a growing awareness of self and a fascination for the wider world. Cultural-the learning to appreciate of different cultures and traditions. The strands are thread through all areas of the curriculum including opportunities highlighted in weekly planning by staff.
SMSC learning will contribute to a pupil’s personal development and their ability to be confident and articulate. Pupils will appreciate and understand the world around them, being individuals with integrity, able to make decisions that consider others. They will show a pride in themselves and an awareness of their place in the communities they belong to and wider society.
Enrichment opportunities to enhance lessons include the many free clubs we offer, P4C, After School Club and Breakfast Club. Music, drama, visits to places of interest such as the Fitzwilliam Museum, Kettles Yard and welcoming visitors into our school all build on SMSC provision.