01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Take a Break

What can we do in Half Term?

Here are a few ideas that are easy to try, use minimal equipment, can be done inside and allow for bags of creativity. Try not to sneak a look at the internet for help. Have a good go and be as creative as you can-have fun and get the family involved.

See what some of us at KHEF have been trying:

Laugh out Loud

Biscuit challenge: You will need, a biscuit for each player. Who can wiggle their biscuit from their forehead to their mouth in the quickest time?

Picture Blindfold: You will need, something to use as a blindfold, paper pens/pencils. Take it in turns to try and draw something familiar, like a car or a pet. How well did you do?

Family Disco: You will need, lights turned low, torches and favourite loud music.

Food Fun

Mr. Potato Head: You will need, an old potato, bits and pieces and some imagination.

Sandwich: You will need, things you normally use for lunch. Can you create an open sandwich that everyone will want to eat? Give it a catchy name too.

Self Portrait: You will need, salt pepper and a spoonful of ketchup. Can you create a work of art using just these ingredients?

Are you willing to eat your art? Banksy would be proud of you


Tea Bag Tossing: You will need, a tea bag or two and an empty mug. Can you throw a tea bag into a mug from the furthest distance? Turn it into a competition and find the best tea bag thrower in your home.

Sock challenge: You will need, as many socks as you can find. Pair together as many socks as you can. How fast were you? Or, you could try to score a goal with a pair of socks and a plastic bag.

Paper aeroplane challenge: You will need, pieces of paper. You decide how best the planes should fly e.g. highest, longest, through a hoop or most accurate landing.


Rainbows: You will need, anything from around your home. Remember to put them back! Can you make a rainbow without using pencils or pens?

Story Performance: You will need, a book or a good memory of a story. Perform a part from one of your favourite books or stories using what you have at home.

Recycle Challenge: You will need, 1 clean, empty container. What can you make with something like this? Work together, get some help with cutting out.

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Indoor Olympics: You will need, some space, some cushions, something to crawl under or climb over.

Check with an adult and stay safe!

Pixie Place: You will need, anything from around your home. Remember to ask before you take things. Make the smallest pixie home you can.

Build a Den: You will need, anything you can lay your hands on. Remember to put things back. How many people can fit in your den? Why don't you make a cosy corner and read a book in your den?

Exploring outside

Walk: Whatever the weather, try to step on as many different surfaces as you can.

Outdoor Art: Collect leaves, twigs, seeds etc. Enjoy creating outside pictures or sculptures. Wash your hands when you have finished.

Fitness workout - Joe Wicks Style: Design your own fitness workout, or take it in turns to lead.

Eye-Spy: Make your own trail with things to spot or sounds to listen out for.

DEN: Build with whatever you can find. Is it waterproof? Find out! How many can squeeze inside?

Sky Gazing: Go and look up into the sky. Wrap up warmly and go for a night walk, then come home for hot chocolate.